Vanilla aphylla Blume

in Bijdr.: 422 (1825).


Vanilla parishii Rchb.f. in Otia Bot. Hamb. 1: 39 (1878).


Birmanie, Inde, Java, Laos, Malaisie, Thaïlande, Vietnam.

Inde : Assam.

Floraison : ____MJJASON_. Altitude de 50 à 580 m.

Description sommaire

Plante terrestre. Bractées ovales. Fleurs de 1 à 3, blanches, jaunes, vertes, roses. Sépale dorsal oblong, oblancéolé, de 23-26 × 7-9 mm. Sépales latéraux oblongs, oblancéolés, de 24-26 × 7-8 mm. Pétales oblongs, oblancéolés, de 23-26 × 8-9 mm. Labelle trilobé.


Seidenfaden & J.J. Wood. The orchids of peninsular Malaysia and Singapore. Olsen & Olsen, Fredensborg. 1992. Page 127. Dessin.

Seidenfaden. Orchid genera in Thailand VI. Dansk Botanisk Arkiv. 1978. Page 142. Dessin.

J.J. Smith. Die Orchideen von Java. E.J. Brill Leiden. 1905. Page 66. Dessin.

J.B. Comber. Orchids of Java. Bentham-Moxon Trust. Royal Botanic Gardens Kew. 1990. Page 75. Photo.

Nantiya Vaddhanaphuti. Wild orchids of Thailand. Silkworm Books. 2001. Page 193. Photo.

Nantiya Vaddhanaphuti. Wild orchids of Thailand. Silkworm Books. 2005. Page 246. Photo.

P.T. Ong, P. O'Byrne, W.S.Y. Yong, L.G. Saw. Wild orchids of peninsular Malaysia. Forest Research Institute Malaysia. 2011. Page 69. Photo.

H.A. Pedersen, H. Kurzweil, S. Suddee & P.J. Cribb. Flora of Thailand. Volume 12. Part 1. Orchidaceae 1. The forest herbarium, Bangkok. 2011. Page 270. Photo.

Ken Cameron. Vanilla orchids. Natural history and classification. Timber Press. 2011. Page 85. Photo.

André Schuiteman, B. Ramamurthy Kailash & Uttam Babu Shrestha. A checklist of the Orchidaceae of India. Missouri Botanical Garden Press. 2022. Page 195.

Malesian orchid journal. Tome 21. Natural History Publications (Borneo). Page 92. Photo.
