Trichoglottis retusa Blume

in Bijdr. 360 (1825).


Borneo, Cambodge, Java, Laos, Malaisie, Moluques, Sumatra, Thaïlande, Vietnam.

Borneo : Sabah, Sarawak.

Sumatra : Sumatera Barat.

Floraison : JFMAMJJASOND. Altitude de 50 à 700 m.

Description sommaire

Plante épiphyte. Taille de 0 à 100 cm. Fleur unique, jaune, rouge, verte. Sépale dorsal convexe, lancéolé, de 0-14 × 0-5 mm. Sépales latéraux convexes, lancéolés, de 0-14 × 0-5 mm. Pétales linéaires, oblongs, de 0-14 × 2-3 mm. Labelle trilobé, de 12-17 × 8-14 mm.




Seidenfaden & J.J. Wood. The orchids of peninsular Malaysia and Singapore. Olsen & Olsen, Fredensborg. 1992. Page 601. Dessin.

Seidenfaden. Orchid genera in Thailand XIV. Opera Botanica. 1988. Page 80. Dessin.

J.J. Smith. Die Orchideen von Java. E.J. Brill Leiden. 1905. Page 614. .

J.B. Comber. Orchids of Java. Bentham-Moxon Trust. Royal Botanic Gardens Kew. 1990. Page 368. Photo.

Chris K.H. Teo. Native orchids of Peninsula Malaysia. Times Books Iinternational. Singapore. 1985. Page 105. Photo.

C.L. Chan, A. Lamb, P.S. Shim & J.J. Wood. Orchids of Borneo. Volume 1. The Sabah Society, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. 1994. Page 289. Photo.

J.B. Comber. Orchids of Sumatra. Natural History Publications. Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Borneo. 2001. Page 931. Photo.

Teofila E. Beaman, Jeffrey J. Wood, Reed S. Beaman, John H. Beaman. Orchids of Sarawak. Natural History Publications (Borneo), Kew Gardens. 2001. Page 420. Photo.

Nantiya Vaddhanaphuti. Wild orchids of Thailand. Silkworm Books. 2005. Page 238. Photo.

Frankie Handoyo. Orchids of Indonesia. Indonesian Orchid Society. 2010. Page 295. Photo.

P.T. Ong, P. O'Byrne, W.S.Y. Yong, L.G. Saw. Wild orchids of peninsular Malaysia. Forest Research Institute Malaysia. 2011. Page 163. Photo.

Malesian orchid journal. Tome 1. Natural History Publications (Borneo). Page 30. Photo.

Malesian orchid journal. Tome 4. Natural History Publications (Borneo). Page 36. Photo.

Malesian orchid journal. Tome 25. Natural History Publications (Borneo). Page 114. Photo, dessin.
