Thrixspermum hystrix (Blume) Rchb.f.
in Trans. Linn. Soc. 30. 136 (1874).
Aerides hystrix (Blume) Lindl. in Gen. Sp. Orch. Pl. 242 (1833).
Dendrocolla hystrix Blume in Bijdr (1825). (basionyme)
Grosourdya hystrix (Blume) Rchb.f. in Xenia Orch. 2. 123 (1868).
Sarcochilus hystrix (Blume) Rchb.f. in Walp. Ann. 6. 500. (1861).
Thrixspermum hystrix (Blume) Kuntze in Rev. Gen. 682 (1891).
Ornithochilus hystrix (Lindl.) R.Rice in Photo Intro Vandoid Orchid Gen. Asia: 156 (2018).
Andaman et Nicobar, Birmanie, Laos, Philippines.
Floraison : __M______O__.
Description sommaire
Plante épiphyte. Inflorescence en épi. Sépale dorsal ovale. Sépales latéraux ovales, de 0-8 × 0-5 mm. Pétales ovales, de 6-7 × 0-5 mm.
J.J. Smith. Die Orchideen von Java. E.J. Brill Leiden. 1905. Page 577. .
Helen L. Valmayor. Orchidiana Philippiniana. Tome 1. Eugenio Lopez Foundation. 1984. Page 309.
André Schuiteman, B. Ramamurthy Kailash & Uttam Babu Shrestha. A checklist of the Orchidaceae of India. Missouri Botanical Garden Press. 2022. Page 188.
Rod Rice. Photo intro to: Vandoid Orchid Genera in Asia (revised edition). Nature & Travel Books. 2018. Page 82 (sous le nom Ornithochilus hystrix). Photo.