Spathoglottis aurea Lindl.

in Journ. Hort. Soc. 5: 34 (1850).


Spathoglottis microchilina Kraenzl. in Engl., Bot. Jahrb. 17: 484 (1893).

Spathoglottis wrayi Hook.f. in Fl. Brit. India 5: 812 (1890).


Borneo, Java, Malaisie, Nouvelle Guinée, Philippines, Sumatra, Thaïlande, Timor.

Borneo : Sabah, Sarawak.

Floraison : JFMAMJJASOND. Altitude de 100 à 1800 m.

Description sommaire

Plante terrestre. Sépale dorsal elliptique, lancéolé, de 20-23 × 14-15 mm. Sépales latéraux elliptiques, lancéolés, de 20-25 × 10-12 mm. Pétales oblongs, de 0-25 × 0-10 mm.


imageCopyright Jean-Michel Hervouet, 09/11/2011, Malaisie, PAHANG.

imageCopyright Jean-Michel Hervouet, 09/11/2011, Malaisie, PAHANG.


Seidenfaden & J.J. Wood. The orchids of peninsular Malaysia and Singapore. Olsen & Olsen, Fredensborg. 1992. Page 163 (sous le nom Spathoglottis microchilina). Dessin.

Seidenfaden & J.J. Wood. The orchids of peninsular Malaysia and Singapore. Olsen & Olsen, Fredensborg. 1992. Page 163. Dessin.

J.J. Smith. Die Orchideen von Java. E.J. Brill Leiden. 1905. Page 218. .

J.B. Comber. Orchids of Java. Bentham-Moxon Trust. Royal Botanic Gardens Kew. 1990. Page 102. Photo.

Helen L. Valmayor. Orchidiana Philippiniana. Tome 1. Eugenio Lopez Foundation. 1984.

Samuel Sprunger. Orchideentafeln aus Curtis's Botanical Magazine. Eugen Ulmer. 1986. Page 7443. Aquarelle.

J.J. Wood. Orchids of Borneo. Volume 3. The Sabah Society. 1997. Page 223 (sous le nom Spathoglottis microchilina). Photo, dessin.

H.S. Yong. Orchid portraits. Tropical Press Sdn. Bhd. 1990. Page 110. Photo.

H.S. Yong. Orchid portraits. Tropical Press Sdn. Bhd. 1990. .

J.B. Comber. Orchids of Sumatra. Natural History Publications. Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Borneo. 2001. Page 296. Photo.

A. Schuiteman & E.F. de Vogel. Flora Malesiana: orchids of New GuineaVol. V. Genera Pachystoma to Zeuxine. ETI. 2008. Photo.

Isobyl La Croix. The new encyclopedia of orchids. Timber Press. 2008. Page 441. Photo.

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P.T. Ong, P. O'Byrne, W.S.Y. Yong, L.G. Saw. Wild orchids of peninsular Malaysia. Forest Research Institute Malaysia. 2011. Page 157. Photo.

J.J. Wood, T.E. Beaman, A. Lamb, C.C. Lun, J.H. Beaman. The orchids of Mount Kinabalu. Tome 1. Natural History Publications (Borneo). 2011. Page 91 (sous le nom Spathoglottis microchilina). Photo.

J.J. Wood, T.E. Beaman, A. Lamb, C.C. Lun, J.H. Beaman. The orchids of Mount Kinabalu. Tome 2. Natural History Publications (Borneo). 2011. Page 524. Photo.

Pascal Descourvières. Encyclopédie des orchidées tropicales. Ulmer. 2010. Page 320. Photo.

J.J. Wood & R.S. Beaman & J.H. Beaman. The plants of Mount Kinabalu. 2 Orchids. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. 1993. Page 314 (sous le nom Spathoglottis microchilina). Photo.

H.A. Pedersen, H. Kurzweil, S. Suddee, E.F. De Vogel & P.J. Cribb. Flora of Thailand. Volume 12. Part 2. Orchidaceae 2. The forest herbarium, Bangkok. 2014. Page 623. Dessin.
