Phalaenopsis pulcherrima (Lindl.) J.J.Smith

in Fedde. Repert. 32: 366 (1933).


Doritis pulcherrima Lindl. in Gen. Sp. Orch. 178 (1833). (basionyme)

Phalaenopsis antennifera Rchb.f. in Gard. Chron. 398 (1879).

Phalaenopsis esmeralda Rchb.f. in Gard. Chron. 582 (1874).

Phalaenopsis mastersii King & Pantl. in J. As. Soc. Beng. 66: 591 (1897).

Phalaenopsis regnierana Rchb.f. in Gard. Chron. 746 (1887).


Birmanie, Borneo, Chine, Cambodge, Inde, Laos, Malaisie, Sumatra, Thaïlande, Vietnam.

Chine : Hainan.

Inde : Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya.

Laos : Bokeo, Borikhan, Champasak, Khammouan, Savannakhet, Viangchan, Viangchan City, Xekong, Xiangkhoang.

Floraison : ______JASO__. Altitude de 500 à 800 m.

Description sommaire

Plante terrestre, lithophyte. Feuilles de 3 à 6, de 50-75 × 15-20 mm, elliptiques, oblongues. Fleurs de 0 à 20, roses. Sépale dorsal concave, elliptique, à apex obtus, de 7-8 × 0-5 mm. Sépales latéraux oblongs, ovales. Pétales en spatule, à apex obtus. Labelle trilobé.


Seidenfaden. Orchid genera in Thailand XIV. Opera Botanica. 1988. Page 32. Dessin.

Seidenfaden & J.J. Wood. The orchids of peninsular Malaysia and Singapore. Olsen & Olsen, Fredensborg. 1992. Page 585. Dessin.

Samuel Sprunger. Orchideentafeln aus Curtis's Botanical Magazine. Eugen Ulmer. 1986. Page 7196. Aquarelle.

H.S. Yong. Orchid portraits. Tropical Press Sdn. Bhd. 1990. Page 62. Photo.

Chen Singchi & Tsi Zhanhua & Luo Yibo. Native orchids of China in Color. Science Press, Beijing New-York. 1999. Page 195. Photo.

J.B. Comber. Orchids of Sumatra. Natural History Publications. Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Borneo. 2001. Page 940. Photo.

Eric A. Christenson. Phalaenopsis. A monograph. Timber Press. Portland Oregon. 2001. Page 231. Photo, dessin.

Eric A. Christenson. Phalaenopsis. A monograph. Timber Press. Portland Oregon. 2001. Page 231. Photo.

Nantiya Vaddhanaphuti. Wild orchids of Thailand. Silkworm Books. 2001. Page 106 (sous le nom Doritis pulcherrima). Photo.

Isobyl La Croix. The new encyclopedia of orchids. Timber Press. 2008. Page 355. Photo.

Chen Singchi, Liu Zhongjian, Luo Yibo, Jin Xiaohua, Tsi Zhanhuo. A field guide to the orchids of China. 2009. Page 188 (sous le nom Doritis pulcherrima). Photo.

Claudie Roguenant. Mille et une miniorchidées. Belin. 2008. Page 305. Photo.

Wu Zhengyi & Peter H. Raven & Hong Deyuan. Flora of China. Orchidaceae. Science Press (Beijing). 2009. Page 446 (sous le nom Doritis pulcherrima).

P.T. Ong, P. O'Byrne, W.S.Y. Yong, L.G. Saw. Wild orchids of peninsular Malaysia. Forest Research Institute Malaysia. 2011. Page 133 (sous le nom Phalaenopsis pulcherrima). Photo.

The Orchid Review. Tome 116. Royal Horticultural Society. Page 50 (sous le nom Doritis pulcherrima). Photo.

Alec M. Pridgeon, Phillip J. Cribb, Mark W. Chase & Finn N. Rasmussen. Genera Orchidacearum. Volume 6. Oxford University Press. 2014. Page 96. Photo.

Nyan Tun Taunggyi. Wild orchids of Myanmar. Daw Tin Tin Aye (Green Leaf Publishing House). 2014. Page 258 (sous le nom Doritis pulcherrima). Photo.

Stephan Gale, Pankaj Kumar & Thatsaphone Phaxaysombath. A guide to orchids of Laos. Natural History Publications (Borneo). 2018. Page 157. Photo.

A. Schuiteman & E.F. de Vogel. Orchid Genera of Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam. National Herbarium Nederland. 2000. Page 97 (sous le nom Doritis pulcherrima). Photo.

André Schuiteman, B. Ramamurthy Kailash & Uttam Babu Shrestha. A checklist of the Orchidaceae of India. Missouri Botanical Garden Press. 2022. Page 162.

Khyanjeet Gogoi. Orchids of Assam, a pictorial guide. Publication Division, Dibrugarh University. 2019. Page 444. Photo.
