Goodyera foliosa (Lindl.) Bentham
in Clarke, J. Linn. Soc. 25: 73 (1889).
Cystorchis nebularum Hance in Journ. Bot. 21. 232 (1883).
Epipactis foliosa (Lindl.) A.A.Eaton in Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 21: 64 (1908).
Epipactis nebularum A.A.Eaton in Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 21. 65 (1908).
Georchis foliosa Lindl. in Gen. Sp. Orch. Pl. 496 (1840). (basionyme)
Goodyera andersonii King & Pantl. in Journ. As. Soc. Beng. Lxv. 127 (1896).
Goodyera bifida Makino in Ill. Fl. Jap (1888).
Goodyera commelinoides Fukuyama in Trans. Nat. Hist. Form. 32: 298 (1942).
Goodyera nebularum (Hance) Rolfe in Journ. Linn. Soc. 36. 45 (1903).
Goodyera pachyglossa Hayata in Ic. Pl. Form. 4: 117 (1914).
Goodyera secundiflora Griff. in Bot. 3: 393 (1851).
Goodyera secundiflora Lindl. in Journ. Linn. Soc. I. 182 (1857).
Goodyera sonoharae Fukuyama in Trans. Nat. Hist. Form. 32: 297 (1942).
Orchiodes foliosum (Lindl.) Kuntze in Rev. Gen. 2: 675 (1891).
Orchiodes secundiflorum (Griff.) Kuntze in Rev. Gen. 675 (1891).
Peramium pachyglossum (Hayata) Makino in Journ. Jap. Bot. 6. 36 (1929).
Goodyera chilanense S.S.Ying in Col. Ill. Fl. Taiwan 5:592 (1995).
Goodyera augustini Tuyama in Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 52: 464 (1938).
Bhoutan, Birmanie, Chine, Corées, Hong Kong, Inde, Japon, Népal, Ryukyu, Sikkim, Taiwan, Thaïlande, Tibet, Urss, Vietnam.
Chine : Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Sichuan, Yunnan.
Inde : Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal.
Taiwan : Chia-i, Hsin-chu, Hua-lien, Kao-hsiung, Miao-li, Nan-t'ou, New T'ai-pei, P'ing-tung, T'ai-pei, T'ai-tung, T'ao-yuan.
Floraison : _______ASOND. Altitude de 200 à 2700 m.
Description sommaire
Plante terrestre. Taille de 10 à 45 cm. Feuilles de 3 à 7, de 35-62 × 14-25 mm, lancéolées, ovales. Bractées lancéolées. Fleurs de 3 à 15, roses. Sépale dorsal concave, oblong, ovale, de 9-10 × 3-4 mm. Sépales latéraux oblongs, ovales, de 8-10 × 3-4 mm. Pétales , de 8-11 × 3-4 mm. Labelle entier, de 8-9 × 3-4 mm.
M.L. Banerji & Prabha Pradhan. The orchids of Nepal Himalaya. J. Cramer FL-9490 Vaduz. 1984. Page 146. Dessin.
Mark L. Isaac-Williams. An introduction to the orchids of Asia. Angus & Robertson. North Ryde. NSW. Australie. 1988. Page 129. Photo.
Chow Cheng. Formosan orchids. Tome 1. 1979. Page 242. Photo.
Shiu Ying Hu. The genera of orchidaceae in Hong-Kong. The Chinese University Press. 1977. Page 46. Dessin.
Udai C. Pradhan. Indian orchids : Guide I. Udai C. Pradhan. 1976. Page 108. Dessin.
King & Pantling. The orchids of the Sikkim - Himalaya. Royal Botanic Garden, Calcutta. 1898. Page 281. Dessin.
Seidenfaden. Orchid genera in Thailand VI. Dansk Botanisk Arkiv. 1978. Page 29. Dessin.
Chen Singchi & Tsi Zhanhua & Luo Yibo. Native orchids of China in Color. Science Press, Beijing New-York. 1999. Page 241. Photo.
N.R. Pearce & P.J. Cribb. The orchids of Bhutan. Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh. 2002. Page 90.
Vakhrameeva, Tatarenko, Varlygina, Torosyan, Zagulskii. Orchids of Russia and adjacent countries. A.R.G. Gantner Verlag K.G. 2008. Page 381 (sous le nom Goodyera maximowicziana). Photo.
S.Z. Lucksom. The orchids of Sikkim and North East Himalaya. S.Z. Lucksom. 2007. Page 97. Photo, dessin.
Chen Singchi, Liu Zhongjian, Luo Yibo, Jin Xiaohua, Tsi Zhanhuo. A field guide to the orchids of China. 2009. Page 220. Photo.
Wu Zhengyi & Peter H. Raven & Hong Deyuan. Flora of China. Orchidaceae. Science Press (Beijing). 2009. Page 51.
Wei-Min Lin & Yi-Fu Wang. The wild orchids of Taiwan. KBCC Press. 2014. Page 483. Photo.
Gloria Barretto & Phillip Cribb & Stephan Gale. The wild orchids of Hongkong. Natural History Publications (Borneo). 2011. Page 101. Photo.
Naresh Swami. Terrestrial orchids. Thomson Press India Ltd, Faridabad. 2016. Page 82. Photo.
André Schuiteman, B. Ramamurthy Kailash & Uttam Babu Shrestha. A checklist of the Orchidaceae of India. Missouri Botanical Garden Press. 2022. Page 110.
Khyanjeet Gogoi. Orchids of Assam, a pictorial guide. Publication Division, Dibrugarh University. 2019. Page 327. Photo.
The wild orchids in Tibet. Tongji University Press. 2023. Page 43. Photo.