Epipogium roseum (Don) Lindl.

in Journ. Linn. Soc. 1: 177 (1857).


Ceratopsis rosea (Don) Lindl. in Gen. Sp. Orch. Pl.: 384 (1840).

Epipogium indicum Chowdhery, G.D.Pal & G.S. Giri in Nordic J. Bot. 13: 419 (1993).

Epipogium africanum Schltr. in E. J. 45: 399 (1911).

Epipogium dentilabellum Ohtani & S.Suzuki in Sci. Rep. Yokosuka City Mus., No. 6, 28 (1961).

Epipogium guilfoylii F.Muell. in Fragm. 8: 30 (1873).

Epipogium kusukusense (Hayata) Schltr. in Fedde, Repert. Beih. 4. 153 (1919).

Epipogium kusukusense Hayata in Ic. Pl. Formos. 4. 121 , In Syn (1914).

Epipogium makinoanus Schltr. in Fedde, Repert. Beih. 4. 153 (1919).

Epipogium nutans (Blume) Rchb.f. in Bonplandia 5: 36 (1857).

Epipogium poneranthum Fukuyama in Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Formosa, 32. 243 (1942).

Epipogium rolfei (Hayata) Schltr. in Fedde, Repert. 10. 5 , In Obs (1911).

Epipogium sinicum Tso in Sunyatsenia, I. 132 (1933).

Epipogium tuberosum Duthie in Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard. Calcutta 9(2): 151 (1906).

Galera kusukusensis Hayata in Ic. Pl. Formos. 4. 121 (1914).

Galera nutans Blume in Tabell.:Tab. 1. Fig. 3 (1825).

Galera pallida (Wight) Blume in Fl. Javae. 1. 117 (1858).

Galera rolfei Hayata in Journ. Coll. Sc. Tokyo, 30. Art, 1, 348 (1911).

Galera rosea (Don) Blume in Journ. Linn. Soc. 1: 177 (1857).

Gastrodia schinziana Kraenzl. in Neucaledonische Orch.: 66 (1929).

Limodorum roseum Don in Prodr. Fl. Nepal.: 30 (1825). (basionyme)

Podanthera pallida Wight in Ic. 5: 22, Tab. 1759 (1851).

Stereosandra schinziana (Kraenzl.) Garay in Arquiv. Jard. Bot. Rio De Janeiro 13: 32 (1954).

Epipogium kassnerianum Kraenzl. in Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 51: 370 (1914).

Epipogium africanus Schltr. in Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 45: 399 (1911).


Angola, Australie, Bhoutan, Birmanie, Borneo, Ceylan, Chine, Cameroun, Ghana, Guinée, Hong Kong, Inde, Japon, Java, Kenya, Laos, Malaisie, Malawi, Nouvelle Calédonie, Népal, Nigeria, Nouvelle Guinée, Ouganda, Pakistan, Philippines, Rwanda, Sikkim, Sulawesi, Sumatra, Taiwan, Thaïlande, Tibet, Vanuatu, Vietnam, Zaire.

Australie : New South Wales, Queensland.

Borneo : Sabah, Sarawak.

Chine : Guangdong, Hainan, Yunnan.

Inde : Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal.

Philippines : Bataan , Davao, Davao del Sur, Davao Oriental, Laguna, Lanao del Norte, Lanao del Sur, Leyte, Mindoro Occidental, Mindoro Oriental, Misamis Occidental, Misamis Oriental, Negros Occidental, Negros Oriental, Nueva Vizcaya, Quezon, Southern Leyte.

Taiwan : Kao-hsiung, Nan-t'ou, P'ing-tung, T'ai-nan, T'ai-nan.

Floraison : JFMAM______D. Altitude de 250 à 2200 m.

Description sommaire

Plante terrestre. Taille de 10 à 60 cm. Feuilles absentes. Inflorescence . Fleurs de 8 à 15, jaunes, roses. Sépale dorsal lancéolé, de 9-12 × 1-2 mm. Sépales latéraux lancéolés, de 8-12 × 1-2 mm. Pétales elliptiques, oblongs, de 8-12 × 2-3 mm. Labelle elliptique, ovale, de 10-14 × 5-9 mm. Chromosomes : 2n=68.


David Lloyd Jones. Native orchids of Australia. Reed Books.2 Aquatic Dr.,Frenchs Forests NSW 2086. 1988. Page 410. Photo, dessin.

Nicolas Hallé. Flore de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, Orchidacées. Muséum d'Histoire naturelle. 1977. Page 456. Dessin.

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Frankie Handoyo. Orchids of Indonesia. Indonesian Orchid Society. 2010. Page 170. Photo.

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