Cynorkis prehsleri Hermans & Sieder

in Curtis’s Bot. Mag. 37 (3) : 376 (2020).



Floraison : JF__________. Altitude de 750 à 750 m.

Description sommaire

Plante terrestre. Taille de 0 à 45 cm. Feuille unique, de 230-450 × 30-40 mm, elliptiques, lancéolées. Bractées lancéolées, ovales. Fleurs de 1 à 3, blanches. Sépale dorsal concave, ovale, de 9-13 × 6-8 mm. Sépales latéraux concaves, oblongs, obovales, de 10-13 × 5-6 mm. Pétales lancéolés, de 9-13 × 3-5 mm. Labelle trilobé, de 18-21 × 18-20 mm.


This new species is distinct by the single green leaf, glossy on the upper surface; the large white flowers marked with green; sepals densely hirsute-glandular, on the exterior, the glands appearing diaphanous; the broad lip with large angular lateral lobes and a smaller, deeply divided mid-lobe; the spur longer than the ovary and the falcate rostellum arms thickened at the apex.Etymology. The new species is named for David Prehsler, staff horticulturalist and botanist at the Botanical Garden of the University of Vienna and supreme grower of unusual and challenging plants.Habitat. Seasonally dry grassland on basement rock, water seepage areas on basalt rock, in crevices and shallow pockets of humus, in full sun.
