Caladenia ixioides Lindl.
in Sketch. Veg. Swan. Riv. 53: 1839
Cyanicula ixioides (Lindl.) A.P.Brown & Hopper in Lindleyana 15(2): 123 (2000).
Pentisea ixioides (Lindl.) Szlach. in Polish Bot. J. 46(1): 20 (2001).
Cyanicula ixioides subsp. candida Hopper & A.P.Brown in Austral. Syst. Bot. 17: 225 (2004).
Australie : Western Australia.
Floraison : _______ASO__. Altitude de 100 à 300 m.
Description sommaire
Plante terrestre. Taille de 5 à 15 cm. Fleurs de 1 à 3, jaunes.
Il y a aussi une sous-espèce candida ([251]P.30
David L. Jones. A complete guide to native orchids of Australia. Reed New Holland. Australian Orchid Foundation. 2006. Page 30. Photo.
Mark Chase, Maarten Christenhusz & Tom Mirenda. The book of orchids. Royal Botanic Gardens Kew. 2017. Page 119 (sous le nom Cyanicula ixioides). Photo.
Bob Liddelow. A guide to native orchids of South-Western Australia. R&R Publications Australia Pty Ltd. 2015. Page 132 (sous le nom Cyanicula ixioides). Photo.
Noel Hoffman, Andrew Brown & Justin Brown. Orchids of South-West Australia. Fourth edition. Noel Hoffman. 2019. Page 182 (sous le nom Cyanicula ixioides). Photo.
Noel Hoffman, Andrew Brown & Justin Brown. Orchids of South-West Australia. Fourth edition. Noel Hoffman. 2019. Page 183 (sous le nom Cyanicula ixioides ssp. candida). Photo.
Adam P. Karremans. Demystifying orchid pollination, stories of sec, lies and obsession. Royal Botanic Gardens Kew. 2023. Page 228. Photo.