Caladenia erythrochila Hopper & A.P.Brown
in Nuytsia 14(1-2): 224 (2001).
Calonema erythrochilum (Hopper & A.P.Brown) D.Jones & M.A.Clem. in Orchadian 13(10): 454 (2002).
Calonemorchis erythrochila (Hopper & A.P.Brown) D.Jones & M.A.Clem. in Orchadian 14(1): 35 (2002).
Jonesiopsis erythrochila (A.P.Brown & Hopper) D.Jones & M.A.Clem. in Orchadian 14(4): 181. (2003).
Australie : Western Australia.
Floraison : ________SO__.
Description sommaire
Plante terrestre. Taille de 20 à 25 cm. Fleurs de 1 à 2, rouges.
David L. Jones. A complete guide to native orchids of Australia. Reed New Holland. Australian Orchid Foundation. 2006. Page 102. Photo.
The Orchid Review. Tome 121. Royal Horticultural Society. Page 27. Photo.
Noel Hoffman, Andrew Brown & Justin Brown. Orchids of South-West Australia. Fourth edition. Noel Hoffman. 2019. Page 51. Photo.