Caladenia carnea R.Brown

in Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holl. 324 (1810).


Caladenia angustata Hook.f. in Fl. Tasm. 2. 30. T. 125 (1858).

Caladenia atkinsonii Rodway in Papers & Proc. Roy. Soc. Tasman. 1922, 77 (1922).

Caladenia javanica Ridl. in Forbes, Nat. Wand. East Archip. 518 (1885).

Caladenia ornata (Nicholls) D.Jones in Orchadian 13(6): 256 (2000).

Petalochilus carneus (R.Brown) D.Jones & M.A.Clem. in Orchadian 13(9): 406 (2001).

Petalochilus javanicus (Ridl.) D.Jones & M.A.Clem. in Orchadian 13(9): 410 (2001).

Petalochilus ornatus (Nicholls) D.Jones & M.A.Clem. in Orchadian 13(9): 410 (2001).


Australie, Java, Nouvelle Calédonie, Tasmanie.

Australie : New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Victoria.

Floraison : _______ASOND. Altitude de 10 à 800 m.

Description sommaire

Plante terrestre. Taille de 0 à 25 cm. Feuille unique, de 0-150 × 0-4 mm, linéaires. Fleurs de 1 à 3, blanches, roses. Labelle trilobé, de 5-7 × 5-7 mm. Dessins du labelle : .


imageCopyright Jean-Michel Hervouet, 26/10/1989, Australie, New South Wales.

imageCopyright Jean-Michel Hervouet, 26/10/1989, Australie, New South Wales.


David Lloyd Jones. Native orchids of Australia. Reed Books.2 Aquatic Dr.,Frenchs Forests NSW 2086. 1988. Page 94 (sous le nom Caladenia atkinsonii).

Winifred M. Curtis. The student's flora of Tasmania : Orchidaceae. T.J. Hughes, Government Printer, Hobart, Tasmania. 1979. Page 107 (sous le nom Caladenia atkinsonii).

David Lloyd Jones. Native orchids of Australia. Reed Books.2 Aquatic Dr.,Frenchs Forests NSW 2086. 1988. Page 95. Photo.

Winifred M. Curtis. The student's flora of Tasmania : Orchidaceae. T.J. Hughes, Government Printer, Hobart, Tasmania. 1979. Page 106.

Leo Cady & E.R. Rotherham. Australian native orchids in colour. Reed Books.2 Aquatic Dr.,Frenchs Forests NSW 2086. 1970. Page 60. Photo.

Collin & Dorothy Woolcock. Australian Terrestrial orchids. Nelson, 480 Latrobe Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Aaustralia. 1984. Page 10. Aquarelle.

Samuel Sprunger. Orchideentafeln aus Curtis's Botanical Magazine. Eugen Ulmer. 1986. Page 7630. Aquarelle.

John Johns, Brian Molloy. Native orchids of New-Zealand. A.H. & A.W. Reed Ltd. Wellington. 1983. Page 18. Photo.

Nicolas Hallé. Flore de la Nouvelle-Calédonie, Orchidacées. Muséum d'Histoire naturelle. 1977. Page 459. Dessin.

J.B. Comber. Orchids of Java. Bentham-Moxon Trust. Royal Botanic Gardens Kew. 1990. Page 51. Photo.

J.J. Smith. Die Orchideen von Java. E.J. Brill Leiden. 1905. Page 48. .

David L. Jones. A complete guide to native orchids of Australia. Reed New Holland. Australian Orchid Foundation. 2006. Page 59 (sous le nom Petalochilus ornatus). Photo.

Claudie Roguenant. Mille et une miniorchidées. Belin. 2008. Page 133. Photo.

Pascal Descourvières. Encyclopédie des orchidées tropicales. Ulmer. 2010. Page 69. Photo.

Gary Backhouse. Bush beauties, the wild orchids of Victoria, Australia. Gary Backhouse. 2019. Page 20. Photo.

Gary Backhouse. Bush beauties, the wild orchids of Victoria, Australia. Gary Backhouse. 2019. Page 21 (sous le nom Caladenia ornata). Photo.
