Caladenia aphylla Bentham
in Fl. Austral. 6. 387 (1873).
Praecoxanthus aphyllus (Bentham) A.P.Brown & Hopper in Lindleyana 15(2): 124 (2000).
Australie : Western Australia.
Floraison : __MA________. Altitude de 0 à 350 m.
Description sommaire
Plante terrestre. Taille de 0 à 45 cm. Feuille unique, de 0-18 × 0-8 mm. Fleur unique, blanche, jaune. Pétales . Dessins du labelle : .
Pas de feuille quand il y a des fleurs.
David Lloyd Jones. Native orchids of Australia. Reed Books.2 Aquatic Dr.,Frenchs Forests NSW 2086. 1988. Page 93. Photo, dessin.
Noel Hoffman & Andrew Brown. Orchids of South-West Australia. University of Western Australia Press. 1984. Page 157. Photo.
Collin & Dorothy Woolcock. Australian Terrestrial orchids. Nelson, 480 Latrobe Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Aaustralia. 1984. Page 42. Aquarelle.
Bob Liddelow. A guide to native orchids of South-Western Australia. R&R Publications Australia Pty Ltd. 2015. Page 188 (sous le nom Praecoxanthus aphyllus). Photo.
Noel Hoffman, Andrew Brown & Justin Brown. Orchids of South-West Australia. Fourth edition. Noel Hoffman. 2019. Page 193 (sous le nom Praecoxanthus aphyllus). Photo.