Bulbophyllum dearei (Rchb.f.) Rchb.f.
in Flora 71. 156 (1888).
Bulbophyllum goebelianum Kraenzl. in Fedde Repert. 385 (1921).
Bulbophyllum godseffianum Weathers in Gard. Mag. 33: 540 (1890).
Bulbophyllum punctatum Ridl. in J. Str. Br. R. As. Soc. 50: 129 (1908).
Bulbophyllum reticosum Ridl. in J. Linn. Soc. Bot. 31: 273 (1896).
Phyllorchis dearei (Rchb.f.) Kuntze in Rev. Gen. 2: 677 (1891).
Sarcopodium dearei Rchb.f. in Flora 71: 156 (1888). (basionyme)
Sarcopodium godseffianum Sander in Gard. Chron. 800 (1890).
Bulbophyllum dearei A.H.Kent in Veitch, Man. Orchid. Pl. 3: 95 (1888).
Borneo, Malaisie, Philippines.
Borneo : Brunei, Sabah, Sarawak.
Philippines : Bataan , Lanao del Norte, Lanao del Sur, Leyte, Palawan, Quezon, Southern Leyte.
Floraison : ____MJJ_____. Altitude de 200 à 2000 m.
Description sommaire
Plante épiphyte. Sépale dorsal ovale, de 28-45 × 15-23 mm. Sépales latéraux , de 23-35 × 12-18 mm. Pétales triangulaires, de 20-32 × 4-10 mm. Labelle ovale, de 7-11 × 5-10 mm.
Proche de B. bataanense mais plus petit.
Helen L. Valmayor. Orchidiana Philippiniana. Tome 1. Eugenio Lopez Foundation. 1984. Page 108.
Helen L. Valmayor. Orchidiana Philippiniana. Tome 2. Eugenio Lopez Foundation. 1984. Page 37. Photo.
J.J. Vermeulen. Orchids of Borneo. Volume 2. Bentham-Moxon Trust, Royal Botanic Gardens. 1991. Page 251. Photo, dessin.
Seidenfaden & J.J. Wood. The orchids of peninsular Malaysia and Singapore. Olsen & Olsen, Fredensborg. 1992. Page 481. Dessin.
Emly S. Siegerist. Bulbophyllum and their allies. Timber Press. Portland Oregon. 2001. Page 93. Photo.
Emly S. Siegerist. Bulbophyllum and their allies. Timber Press. Portland Oregon. 2001. Page 103 (sous le nom Bulbophyllum goebelianum).
E.M.G. Agoo, A. Shuiteman, E.F. De Vogel. Flora Malesiana. Orchids of the Philippines Vol. I. ETI/National Herbarium of the Netherlands. 2003. Photo.
Teofila E. Beaman, Jeffrey J. Wood, Reed S. Beaman, John H. Beaman. Orchids of Sarawak. Natural History Publications (Borneo), Kew Gardens. 2001. Page 162. Photo.
Isobyl La Croix. The new encyclopedia of orchids. Timber Press. 2008. Page 73. Photo.
Frankie Handoyo. Orchids of Indonesia. Indonesian Orchid Society. 2010. Page 32. Photo.
P.T. Ong, P. O'Byrne, W.S.Y. Yong, L.G. Saw. Wild orchids of peninsular Malaysia. Forest Research Institute Malaysia. 2011. Page 104. Photo.
J.J. Wood, T.E. Beaman, A. Lamb, C.C. Lun, J.H. Beaman. The orchids of Mount Kinabalu. Tome 2. Natural History Publications (Borneo). 2011. Page 96. Photo.
Pascal Descourvières. Encyclopédie des orchidées tropicales. Ulmer. 2010. Page 61. Photo.
Jim Cootes. Philippine native orchid species. Katha Publishing. 2011. Page 44. Photo.
Jaap Vermeulen, Peter O'Byrne & Anthony Lamb. Bulbophyllum of Borneo. Natural History Publications (Borneo). 2015. Page 32. Photo.